Prime Finance & Investment Limited (PFI), a leading non-bank financial institution engaged in leasing business in Bangladesh. It was incorporated on 10 March 1996 as a public limited company under the companies act 1994 and obtained license on 25 April 1996 from the Bangladesh Bank under the Financial Institutions Act 1993. It commenced leasing operations on 15 July 1996 and is a fully integrated finance house, which offers both fund based and fee based products and services.
PFI offers unique and extremely popular structured lease and term finance, SME finance, real estate finance, corporate financial services including merger & amalgamation, syndicated finance and many more. PFI is one of the six eligible financial institutions availing CBSF fund under FIDP project of IDA, World Bank.
Prime Finance has geographically diversified its operation by opening a branch office at Chittagong and Rajshahi. The company is being monitored by a highly skilled, efficient and transparent Board comprised of 11 members and currently Mr. Mohammad Masudur Rahim is the Chairman and Mr. Md. Ahsan Kabir Khan is the MD of the company.